Tag: Healthcare
Welcoming MLA Rob Botterell!
February 7 Twenty-two joined this ASK Salt Spring gathering to welcome Rob Botterell for his first time with us as our MLA. He was accompanied by his able and welcoming constituency assistant, Theresa Coles. (Don’t fret if you missed this opportunity: Rob plans to be with us the first Friday of each month, 11-1, SIMS…
Learning Lots About Our Lady Minto Hospital and New ER
November 29 Twelve joined us for all or part of the time for this ASK Salt Spring gathering that welcomed Erin Price-Lindstrom, Site Director of Lady Minto Hospital (LMH). After Erin’s Territorial Acknowledgement, she was asked what “excited and delighted” her. Since it had been nearly two years since she last joined us in early…
Conversations About Community Policing With RCMP’s Clive Seabrook
September 6, 2024: Ten welcomed RCMP’s Sergeant Clive Seabrook to this ASK Salt Spring gathering. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Clive shared some of what “excites and delights” him. Personally, he was buoyed by his recent 20th wedding anniversary trip to Paris, a phenomenal city. Professionally, he is blessed by a career that continues to excite and intrigue him despite…
Welcoming our “Delighted to be Alive!” MP Elizabeth May
January 12, 2024: Due to freezing temperatures and icy roads, only 11 came to welcome our MP Elizabeth May and Ned Taylor, Constituency Coordinator. While the numbers were disappointing but understandable, those who braved the weather all contributed to an amazing and rich conversation with Elizabeth. After our Territorial Acknowledgment, we asked Elizabeth what excited and delighted her.…
Is the Canadian Dream of Homeownership Dead for Many of Our Youth?
October 6, 2023: Thirteen gathered to welcome MLA Adam Olsen and Outreach Coordinator Laura Parker to this ASK Salt Spring gathering in our new, quieter classroom location, thanks to the generosity of Transition Salt Spring and Restorative Justice. After his Territorial Acknowledgement, we discussed less willingness – and even tolerance – to let our children into our activities.…
Navigating Challenges and Changes at Lady Minto Hospital with Courage and Enthusiasm
March 17, 2023: A total of 15 joined this ASK Salt Spring gathering for all or part of the time to welcome , Erin Price-Lindstrom, recently replacing Sara Gogo, (now leading the Tofino hospital) as the Site Director of Lady Minto Hospital, (https://ladymintofoundation.com/news/the-road-ahead-lady-minto-hospitals-new-site-director-discusses-challenges-and-opportunities/). After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Erin spoke briefly of the challenges and opportunities in her multi-hat position,…
Huge Provincial Challenges, but Closer to Home, Adam Asks “Is our Local Governance Working for Us?”
September 2, 2022: After our Territorial Acknowledgement, a circle of 16 who stayed for all or part of the conversation welcomed our MLA, Adam Olsen, and his staff, Constituent Advocates William Kelly, and Laura Parker, to this ASK Salt Spring gathering. When asked what was on his mind, Adam began by telling us about the mountain of complaints…
Should We Fear the Slippery Slope of a Tiered Healthcare System?
April 1, 2022: After a moving Territorial Acknowledgement, the 19 who gathered in the Library Program Room welcomed our special guest, MLA Adam Olsen. Adam was accompanied by his constituency advocate, William Kelly, and two legislative interns Rose Williams and Jerram Gawley. He began by sharing something this week that – while emotional – had excited and…
Whatever is a Warming Space?
March 11, 2022: A total of 26 joined us for all or part of the time at this ASK Salt Spring Zoom gathering welcoming CRD’s Gary Holman. After the Territorial Acknowledgement, Gary began by giving us some unfortunate budget news: Because our BC property assessments have increased far more than the CRD average, Salt Spring taxpayers will…
Has Our Trust and Confidence in the BC Government Been Eroded?
February 4, 2022: Sixteen joined this ASK Salt Spring conversation, including our special guest MLA Adam Olsen and his team: Laura Parker, William Kelly, and Jake Rees. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Adam shared his grave concerns about the fragility of our democracy. He worries that our democracy needs greater strength, vibrancy, and resiliency. His concerns are supported by…