Tag: Gange Hill Project
Welcoming MLA Adam Olsen: “Who Do We Think We Are?”
May 3, 2024: The first ASK Salt Spring gathering in May welcomed MLA Adam Olsen and Constituency Advocate Jerram Gawley for a rich and diverse conversation. Adam used his most recent weekly two-minute speech to the Legislature (https://adamolsen.ca/2024/05/my-duty-to-stand-up-for-the-salish-sea-never-diminishes/) as his Territorial Acknowledgement, speaking of disturbing changes to the waters surrounding us. The site of one of the world’s…
Want to Learn More About Salt Spring’s Roads? Owen Page, MoTi Area Manager, Offers Answers as Well as Listening
April 19, 2024: Fifteen joined us for all or part of our time together at this ASK Salt Spring gathering that welcomed our Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) Area Manager Owen Page. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, we asked Owen what excites and delights him. Personally, he was looking forward to watching a great basketball playoff while enjoying a beer…
MLA Adam Olsen Challenges Status Quo: Do MLAs Still Need to Sit Two Sword Lengths Apart?
August 4, 2023: Twenty-two joined this ASK Salt Spring gathering to welcome MLA Adam Olsen, assistant Patricia Pearson, and intern Maya Achuthan. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Adam shared with us things that excite and delight him. He first told us of how delighted he is with the community office and how updated processes have improved its service and productivity.…
Roads 101 – a Conversation with our Ministry Area Manager
September 23, 2022: Fourteen gathered in the United Church Meadow (for the last time: see below for news of our new location!) to welcome our Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) Area Manager, Owen Page. Although he has only been our Area Manager since this spring, he offered us a wealth of information at this ASK Salt Spring gathering. …
CRD Climate Action Initiatives – Good for our Community, Good for Business
March 12, 2021: Still struggling with a dose of Zoom Gloom – many likely drawn outdoors on this spring-like Friday – only 10 joined thisASK Salt Springgathering. Despite our slim numbers, our CRD Director, Gary Holman, was welcomed enthusiastically and the conversation was rich and varied. After a heartfelt Territorial Acknowledgment, Gary began by speaking briefly about what…