Has Our Trust and Confidence in the BC Government Been Eroded?
February 4, 2022: Sixteen joined this ASK Salt Spring conversation, including our special guest MLA Adam Olsen and his team: Laura Parker, William Kelly, and Jake Rees. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Adam shared his grave concerns about the fragility of our democracy. He worries that our democracy needs greater strength, vibrancy, and resiliency. His concerns are supported by…
A Dawning Recognition of our Vulnerability in Tense Times?
December 3, 2021 After a Territorial Acknowledgement suggesting we read The Dawn of Everything (https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/oct/18/the-dawn-of-everything-a-new-history-of-humanity-by-david-graeber-and-david-wengrow-review-have-we-got-our-ancestors-wrong) to better understand how Indigenous societal structures have impacted our democracy, 22 Salt Springers welcomed our MLA, Adam Olsen. Adam began by briefly reviewing some of the bills from the recently-concluded legislative session. Among them were two concerning childcare – one to regulate…
Seeking a Green Recovery with Adam Olsen
June 5, 2022: Only eight attended this Zoom meeting with Adam Olsen. Although one could wonder if Salt Springers have had every one of their questions answered already, it may be only that folks are tired of sitting in front of their screens. A gathering next week with Gary Holman in the United Church Meadow (weather…
Salt Spring’s Long-Awaited Water Study. . .and More
April 9, 2021: Welcoming CRD’s Gary Holman, 10 gathered for this week’s ASK Salt Spring. During the discussion, there were some creative suggestions about enticing larger numbers of Salt Springers to join these weekly gatherings with our elected officials. While it was agreed that the information-rich reports are read by many Salt Springers each week, most agreed…
CRD Climate Action Initiatives – Good for our Community, Good for Business
March 12, 2021: Still struggling with a dose of Zoom Gloom – many likely drawn outdoors on this spring-like Friday – only 10 joined thisASK Salt Springgathering. Despite our slim numbers, our CRD Director, Gary Holman, was welcomed enthusiastically and the conversation was rich and varied. After a heartfelt Territorial Acknowledgment, Gary began by speaking briefly about what…
Ferries, Bills, Speeches. . .and “When Oh When Will We Get Vaccinated, Adam?”
March 5, 2021: Escaping Zoom Gloom, the spring-like weather enticed many outdoors and away from their computers. As a result, only ten participated in this ASK Salt Spring gathering. While too many missed our rich time of learning and conversation, those who participated were so very appreciative of the wisdom, honesty, and insight our MLA Adam Olsen brought to…
Why Ever Would Motorists Get Rebates? And Other Enticing Questions for MLA Adam Olsen
February 5, 2021: Twenty-three gathered via Zoom to welcome MLA Adam Olsen and his staff to listen and learn about the issues that matter most to them. After a heartfelt territorial acknowledgement, we asked Adam to begin by sharing what was on his mind. Seeking to identify those things that excite and delight him, he spoke with enthusiasm…
Zooming With Adam: Safety and Health for Now and a Better Normal for the Future
May 1, 2022: Fourteen joined us for this Zoom session with Adam Olsen as our special guest. We began our discussion with a question about logging, Specifically, to encourage expansion of Islands Trust authority over logging on private land, should letters requesting this continue to be sent to Minister Selina Robinson? After answering in the affirmative,…