Tag: BC Housing
Beginning 2024 with MLA Adam Olsen
January 5, 2024: Nineteen came to the first 2024 gathering to welcome MLA Adam Olsen and his Constituency Advocate, Jerram Gawley. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Adam began by reflecting on his break over the holiday season, savouring a time to relax and prepare for a very busy 2024. Concerning pace, he has observed that, while politics…
Our MLA Adam Olsen: “I am bloody honoured to represent Salt Spring!”
December 1, 2023: Twenty-nine joined us for this ASK Salt Spring gathering welcoming MLA Adam Olsen and Constituent Advocate Jerram Gawley. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, we began a lively, philosophical, complicated, and quite wonderful conversation about housing in the context of just-passed Bill 44 (https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/bills/billsprevious/3rd42nd:gov44-3). After acknowledging ASK Salt Spring, beginning its fifth year of convening rich weekly conversations,…
Is MLA Adam Olsen Right – Is the Province Ignoring Salt Spring?
October 7, 2022: While 11:00 came with very few gathered in our new location – the Lobby of the Middle School – to welcome MLA Adam Olsen and his able staff, Laura Parker and Emily Bishop, soon 17 had arrived to ask Adam questions and discuss the issues most important to them. When we began by…
Huge Provincial Challenges, but Closer to Home, Adam Asks “Is our Local Governance Working for Us?”
September 2, 2022: After our Territorial Acknowledgement, a circle of 16 who stayed for all or part of the conversation welcomed our MLA, Adam Olsen, and his staff, Constituent Advocates William Kelly, and Laura Parker, to this ASK Salt Spring gathering. When asked what was on his mind, Adam began by telling us about the mountain of complaints…
A Battle Between Bureaucracy and Humanity?
February 11, 2022:Thirteen joined us on a lovely almost-spring day to engage with CRD Director Gary Holman on some of the issues that mean the most to us. After our First Nations Territorial Acknowledgement, we asked Gary to tell us what was on his mind. While housing concerns are paramount for him, he began by…
A Dawning Recognition of our Vulnerability in Tense Times?
December 3, 2021 After a Territorial Acknowledgement suggesting we read The Dawn of Everything (https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/oct/18/the-dawn-of-everything-a-new-history-of-humanity-by-david-graeber-and-david-wengrow-review-have-we-got-our-ancestors-wrong) to better understand how Indigenous societal structures have impacted our democracy, 22 Salt Springers welcomed our MLA, Adam Olsen. Adam began by briefly reviewing some of the bills from the recently-concluded legislative session. Among them were two concerning childcare – one to regulate…