Tag: Logging
Islands Trust Challenges: Laura is Listening
March 18, 2022: Fourteen joined us to welcome Laura Patrick, one of our two local trustees for the Islands Trust, to this ASK Salt Spring gathering in the Library Program Room. While we shivered with the open wall of glass doors, we were happy to be together in person again. After a Territorial Acknowledgement, Laura encouraged each…
A Glimpse into Complex Islands Trust Decisions
February 18, 2022: After a territorial acknowledgement, one of our two locally-elected Island Trust trustees, Laura Patrick, began by telling the 14 people who had gathered that housing is foremost in her mind. In her opinion, we need a wide spectrum of housing options for a diverse and healthy community. The housing options we need are…
Has Our Trust and Confidence in the BC Government Been Eroded?
February 4, 2022: Sixteen joined this ASK Salt Spring conversation, including our special guest MLA Adam Olsen and his team: Laura Parker, William Kelly, and Jake Rees. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Adam shared his grave concerns about the fragility of our democracy. He worries that our democracy needs greater strength, vibrancy, and resiliency. His concerns are supported by…
A Dawning Recognition of our Vulnerability in Tense Times?
December 3, 2021 After a Territorial Acknowledgement suggesting we read The Dawn of Everything (https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/oct/18/the-dawn-of-everything-a-new-history-of-humanity-by-david-graeber-and-david-wengrow-review-have-we-got-our-ancestors-wrong) to better understand how Indigenous societal structures have impacted our democracy, 22 Salt Springers welcomed our MLA, Adam Olsen. Adam began by briefly reviewing some of the bills from the recently-concluded legislative session. Among them were two concerning childcare – one to regulate…
Francis Bread – and Other Interesting Topics. . . Some Lessons Learned?
January 15, 2021: We were lucky enough to have both Islands Trustees as special guests at this ASK Salt Spring Zoom gathering, with Peter Grove joining fifteen of us for the entire time, and Laura Patrick joining us at about 12:30. While Francis Bread took the spotlight for much of the gathering, we also learned about Islands Trust challenges, logging, and housing restrictions and…
Logging, Legislation, and Racism: Adam Shares his Vision and Wisdom
August 7, 2022: Last Friday, a total of 37 Salt Springers gathered at the United Church Meadow on a practically-perfect summer Friday to welcome our MLA, Adam Olsen. While some did stand just outside the circumference of the circle (too close to one another for my comfort), everyone who wanted to participate was able to join the…
Logging, Development Permits, and Emergency Preparedness
November 8, 2019: Although only three came to ask questions, there were a total of six Salt Springers who came to ASK Salt Spring during this session, marking the one-month anniversary of this initiative. Those who did not have a question stayed quite a while (one even stayed for the entire three hours) to see what ASK Salt…
Trustee Laura Patrick Discusses Logging and Environmentally-Conscious Development
November 15, 2019: Twelve came to ask questions during this session of ASK Salt Spring. While the record for this first six weeks of operation is 15 when Adam Olsen was there, 12 is a satisfying trend. As many stayed during much of the conversation, there was a period of over an hour when all seats around…