Tag: Firehall
Firehall Construction Begins!
April 26, 2024: A total of 13 joined us to welcome Fire Trustee Chair, Rollie Cook, and Chief Administrative Officer, Rodney Dieleman, to this ASK Salt Spring gathering. While the numbers were not large, the conversation was lively and rich. After our Territorial Acknowledgment, we asked our guests what excited and delighted them. Rodney spoke briefly about his joy living…
Bylaws for the Proposed Local Community Commission Released!
July 8, 2022: Twenty-two gathered to welcome CRD’s Gary Holman to this ASK Salt Spring gathering on a lovely summer day in the United Church Meadow. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, we began our conversation, almost totally about the proposed Local Community Commission (LCC). The timing of Gary’s visit to ASK Salt Spring was serendipitous as the CRD bylaws laying the…
Firehall, Local Community Commission, Warming Space, Parking and Noise. . .a Rich CRD Discussion
June 10, 2022: Only seven joined us for this Zoom gathering to welcome CRD’s Gary Holman. (In hindsight, weather would have permitted us to gather in the United Church Meadow. . .hopefully next Friday!) While offering us a Territorial Acknowledgement, Gary spoke briefly about the recent Provincial denial of a subdivision on James Island:https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/james-island-subdivision-rejected-1.6477735). Gary sees this as…
Welcoming the Whole Gang. . . CRD’s Gary Holman, Trustee Laura Patrick . . and MLA Adam Olsen!
May 20, 2022: Twenty-two gathered to welcome MLA Adam Olsen, CRD’s Gary Holman, and Laura Patrick (one of our two local Trustees for the Islands Trust) to this ASK Salt Spring Zoom gathering. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, each of our special guests took a few moments to share what was on their minds on this lovely spring day.…
After Such Progress, Do We Face Big Shelter Challenges?
April 8, 2022: Only nine joined us to welcome CRD’s Gary Holman to this ASK Salt Spring gathering in the Library Program Room. While it is likely that it was the unpredicted sunny weather that enticed folks away, could it be interpreted as Salt Springers’ contentment with CRD-related issues? After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Gary took some time…
Want to Talk About a New Firehall for Salt Spring?
March 25, 2022: Surprisingly, only nine came to this ASK Salt Spring gathering in the Library Program Room – and three of them were our special guests: Fire Chief Jamie Holmes, Fire Trustee Chair, Rollie Cook, and local consultant, Bruce Cameron! We thought that Salt Springers were interested in the proposed new firehall. Were we wrong? Despite…
CRD Climate Action Initiatives – Good for our Community, Good for Business
March 12, 2021: Still struggling with a dose of Zoom Gloom – many likely drawn outdoors on this spring-like Friday – only 10 joined thisASK Salt Springgathering. Despite our slim numbers, our CRD Director, Gary Holman, was welcomed enthusiastically and the conversation was rich and varied. After a heartfelt Territorial Acknowledgment, Gary began by speaking briefly about what…