February 9, 2024: Thirty joined this ASK Salt Spring gathering to welcome our Local Community Commissioners (LCC) Ben Corno (bcorno@crd.bc.ca), Brian Webster (bwebster@crd.bc.ca), Earl Rook (erook@crd.bc.ca, Gayle Baker (gbaker@crd.bc.ca) and Gary Holman, also our Electoral Director, (directorssi@crd.bc.ca). After our Territorial Acknowledgment, facilitator Grant Fredrickson began by asking each of our guests what excited and delighted them about being Salt Spring’s […]
February 2, 2024: Twenty came to welcome MLA Adam Olsen and Jerram Gawley, his Constituency Advocate, to this ASK Salt Spring gathering. Adam added to our Territorial Acknowledgement by reminding us that his people had a tradition of overlapping spaces, a homeland to different groups sharing linguistic and cultural roots but still very different. He reminded us that […]
January 26, 2024: Nineteen joined us to welcome longtime Salt Spring leader, Tom Toynbee. He took us on a meander down Memory Lane, and did we ever learn a lot about Ganges’ fascinating history! For many of us, it was a welcome break from concern about today’s issues to immerse ourselves in a time past and enjoy […]
January 19, 2024: Unfortunately, snow forced a cancellation of this gathering. Anticipated as a rich conversation about funding options for local initiatives, Funding a healthy and resilient Salt Spring, our team of experts, Shannon Cowan, Salt Spring Island Foundation; Nora Layard, Transition Salt Spring Economic Co-Op (TSSEC); Robert Steinbach, Country Grocer Community Outreach; and Julie Kemble, Chair of […]
January 12, 2024: Due to freezing temperatures and icy roads, only 11 came to welcome our MP Elizabeth May and Ned Taylor, Constituency Coordinator. While the numbers were disappointing but understandable, those who braved the weather all contributed to an amazing and rich conversation with Elizabeth. After our Territorial Acknowledgment, we asked Elizabeth what excited and delighted her. […]
January 5, 2024: Nineteen came to the first 2024 gathering to welcome MLA Adam Olsen and his Constituency Advocate, Jerram Gawley. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Adam began by reflecting on his break over the holiday season, savouring a time to relax and prepare for a very busy 2024. Concerning pace, he has observed that, while politics […]
December 8, 2023: Ten gathered to welcome Local Community Commissioners (LCC) Chair Earl Rook, Brian Webster, Gayle Baker, and Commissioner, as well as Electoral Director, Gary Holman. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Darryl Martin, doing the honours as our facilitator, began by asking all what they hoped to gain from this CRD/LCC-focused gathering. While responses varied, the […]
December 1, 2023:Ten joined this ASK Salt Spring conversation with North Salt Spring Waterworks District (NSSWD) Chief Administrative Officer, Mark Boysen, and Board Chair, Brian Pyper. The first time representatives of this important water district have joined us as our special guests, questions flew, creating a rich conversation. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Mark and Brian began by […]
December 1, 2023: Twenty-nine joined us for this ASK Salt Spring gathering welcoming MLA Adam Olsen and Constituent Advocate Jerram Gawley. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, we began a lively, philosophical, complicated, and quite wonderful conversation about housing in the context of just-passed Bill 44 (https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/bills/billsprevious/3rd42nd:gov44-3). After acknowledging ASK Salt Spring, beginning its fifth year of convening rich weekly conversations, […]
November 24, 2023: While only 10 joined this ASK Salt Spring conversation about our preparedness for emergencies, we learned so much! Led by John Wakefield, Emergency Management Lead, Salt Spring Island, he was joined by Jolette Schenk, CRD Electoral Area Emergency Services Coordinator and Corey Anderson, Manager, Emergency Programs, both of whom had come from Victoria to join us. […]