Author: Gayle Baker
Whatever is “Restorative Justice?” And, How Can it Help Address Safety for All in Our Community?
January 22, 2021: After a heartfelt territorial acknowledgment, 13 ASK Salt Spring participants welcomed Restorative Justice volunteers Darlene Gage and Laura Defoe. Also Zooming about with us was our new RCMP Sargent, Clive Seabrook. We all also welcomed his participation in our conversation. We began by learning about Restorative Justice (RJ) its exciting potential to help address the…
Francis Bread – and Other Interesting Topics. . . Some Lessons Learned?
January 15, 2021: We were lucky enough to have both Islands Trustees as special guests at this ASK Salt Spring Zoom gathering, with Peter Grove joining fifteen of us for the entire time, and Laura Patrick joining us at about 12:30. While Francis Bread took the spotlight for much of the gathering, we also learned about Islands Trust challenges, logging, and housing restrictions and…
Will 2021 Bring Approval for a New Firehall, Safety for All in Our Parks, Ganges Hill Improvements?
January 8, 2021: Eleven participants welcomed CRD’s Gary Holman to an ASK Salt Spring Zoom gathering – the first in 2021. Gary began by confirming that the Salt Spring Island Transportation Commission is committed to getting a pedestrian pathway on the west (uphill) side of the Ganges Hill roadway. Hopes are that the Ministry of Transportation and…
Adam is Back – Bravely Diving Into Complex Issues like Health Care
December 4, 2020: Adam is Back – Bravely Diving Into Complex Issues like Health Care Fifteen joined the ASK Salt Spring Zoom gathering to welcome Adam back as our MLA. We had all missed him as he was forced into that candidate role again. Throughout the gathering, joy was repeatedly expressed that he can now get back to work…
Welcoming CRD’s Gary Holman to Discuss Issues as Well as Savouring Some Good News
November 13, 2020 Fourteen gathered at the Foxglove Nursery Greenhouse to welcome our CRD Director Gary Holman. With higher numbers this week, we needed both the speaker system as well as more seats, but, despite a bit of scurrying, all seemed pleased with the idyllic setting. After a participant’s heartfelt territorial acknowledgment, Gary began with some…
Offal and Effluent. . . Learning About all Things Mucky
October 30, 2020: Eight came to our first ever ASK Salt Spring in the idyllic Foxglove Nursery greenhouse to welcome Mary Richardson, Chair of the Liquid Waste Commission as well as passionate advocate of the proposed composting facility in the Burgoyne Valley. While the numbers were small, they allowed us to learn so much about one of our…
Anyone Want to Know More About CRD’s 2021 Budget?
October 23, 2020: Thirteen came to the Lions Hall – a one-timeASK Salt Spring location – to welcome Gary Holman to discuss the soon-to-be adopted 2021 CRD budget. While not as many as usual attended this ASK Salt Spring gathering, the blustery rain may account for some of this. Also, from an optimistic perspective, it is possible that very…
Hope for the Housing Challenges and Solutions Project
October 16, 2021: With rain predicted, nine hearty Salt Springers gathered to welcome Islands Trustee, Laura Patrick, as our special guest in the United Church Meadow. Other than gusty winds that blew over a few of the unoccupied chairs, the weather was practically-perfect for our last Friday in the Meadow for this season. And it has…
Persistence, Tenacity, and Dogged Determination: NDP Candidate Zeb King’s Formula for Success
October 9, 2021: Sixteen hardy folks braved the chilly winds on a rainy fall Saturday. They were well-rewarded, for they all got an opportunity to meet the NDP Candidate, Zeb King and ask him questions. Even though some freezing participants left before 1:00, it is safe to say that everyone left glad that they had met…
An Enthusiastic Welcome for Candidate Adam Olsen
October 2, 2021: Thirty-six enthusiastic Salt Springers gathered in the United Church Meadow to welcome candidate Adam Olsen. While his visit to us was much like so many other times he has joined us at ASK Salt Spring, the spattering of green Adam Olsen signs signaled a slight difference in this gathering. The plentiful applause and the evident appreciation…