Tag: Warming Space
Chuan Volunteers Celebrate Opening of The Hearth
Twenty joined this ASK Salt Spring gathering welcoming the Chuan Society. After a heartfelt Territorial Acknowledgement, we began our conversation by learning about the Chuan Society:https://www.facebook.com/chuansociety/. A recent ASK Salt Spring guest, you may want to reread that report: https://saltspringexchange.com/2024/07/03/ask-salt-spring-welcomes-the-chuan-society/). The Chuan Society was founded in 2017 to address access and equity barriers through collective action. “Chuan” is a corruption of…
Welcoming Hardworking Volunteers Committed to Mental Wellness For All in Our Community
August 30, 2024: Ten gathered to welcome David Norget to this ASK Salt Spring gathering. While the group was small (great weather, long weekend, and ???), we laughed about all being family as everyone in this conversation was involved in building community through: United by the strong shared commitment to creating a community of care, our time together…
Building Community Connections Through Sharing Meals, Grief, and Laughter. . .The Chuan Society Does This and More
June 28, 2024: Twenty-one gathered to welcome the Chuan Society to this ASK Salt Spring gathering. Special guests included chairperson Kajin Goh, council members Lauren Porter, Jenny McClean, and Stephen Carey, and Gabriel’s Kitchen team members Cheryl Roehlig, Kristin Norget, and Keith Delaney. After his Territorial Acknowledgment (suggesting that Land and People Honouring might be an added term),…
Firehall, Local Community Commission, Warming Space, Parking and Noise. . .a Rich CRD Discussion
June 10, 2022: Only seven joined us for this Zoom gathering to welcome CRD’s Gary Holman. (In hindsight, weather would have permitted us to gather in the United Church Meadow. . .hopefully next Friday!) While offering us a Territorial Acknowledgement, Gary spoke briefly about the recent Provincial denial of a subdivision on James Island:https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/james-island-subdivision-rejected-1.6477735). Gary sees this as…
After Such Progress, Do We Face Big Shelter Challenges?
April 8, 2022: Only nine joined us to welcome CRD’s Gary Holman to this ASK Salt Spring gathering in the Library Program Room. While it is likely that it was the unpredicted sunny weather that enticed folks away, could it be interpreted as Salt Springers’ contentment with CRD-related issues? After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Gary took some time…
Whatever is a Warming Space?
March 11, 2022: A total of 26 joined us for all or part of the time at this ASK Salt Spring Zoom gathering welcoming CRD’s Gary Holman. After the Territorial Acknowledgement, Gary began by giving us some unfortunate budget news: Because our BC property assessments have increased far more than the CRD average, Salt Spring taxpayers will…
A Battle Between Bureaucracy and Humanity?
February 11, 2022:Thirteen joined us on a lovely almost-spring day to engage with CRD Director Gary Holman on some of the issues that mean the most to us. After our First Nations Territorial Acknowledgement, we asked Gary to tell us what was on his mind. While housing concerns are paramount for him, he began by…