Tag: Primary Care Network
Learning Lots About Our Lady Minto Hospital and New ER
November 29 Twelve joined us for all or part of the time for this ASK Salt Spring gathering that welcomed Erin Price-Lindstrom, Site Director of Lady Minto Hospital (LMH). After Erin’s Territorial Acknowledgement, she was asked what “excited and delighted” her. Since it had been nearly two years since she last joined us in early…
Welcoming MLA Adam Olsen: “Who Do We Think We Are?”
May 3, 2024: The first ASK Salt Spring gathering in May welcomed MLA Adam Olsen and Constituency Advocate Jerram Gawley for a rich and diverse conversation. Adam used his most recent weekly two-minute speech to the Legislature (https://adamolsen.ca/2024/05/my-duty-to-stand-up-for-the-salish-sea-never-diminishes/) as his Territorial Acknowledgement, speaking of disturbing changes to the waters surrounding us. The site of one of the world’s…
Welcoming our “Delighted to be Alive!” MP Elizabeth May
January 12, 2024: Due to freezing temperatures and icy roads, only 11 came to welcome our MP Elizabeth May and Ned Taylor, Constituency Coordinator. While the numbers were disappointing but understandable, those who braved the weather all contributed to an amazing and rich conversation with Elizabeth. After our Territorial Acknowledgment, we asked Elizabeth what excited and delighted her.…
So Adam, Why Doesn’t the Province Give Us Everything We Think We Deserve?
April 21, 2023: Twelve gathered to welcome MLA Adam Olsen and William Kelly to this ASK Salt Spring gathering. In his Territorial Acknowledgement, Adam also spoke briefly of his joy with all the connections he observes at SIMS – the Saltspring Island Multi-Space, the former Middle School. He loves to see all the children activities and is excited by…
Navigating Challenges and Changes at Lady Minto Hospital with Courage and Enthusiasm
March 17, 2023: A total of 15 joined this ASK Salt Spring gathering for all or part of the time to welcome , Erin Price-Lindstrom, recently replacing Sara Gogo, (now leading the Tofino hospital) as the Site Director of Lady Minto Hospital, (https://ladymintofoundation.com/news/the-road-ahead-lady-minto-hospitals-new-site-director-discusses-challenges-and-opportunities/). After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Erin spoke briefly of the challenges and opportunities in her multi-hat position,…
Should We Fear the Slippery Slope of a Tiered Healthcare System?
April 1, 2022: After a moving Territorial Acknowledgement, the 19 who gathered in the Library Program Room welcomed our special guest, MLA Adam Olsen. Adam was accompanied by his constituency advocate, William Kelly, and two legislative interns Rose Williams and Jerram Gawley. He began by sharing something this week that – while emotional – had excited and…
Why Ever Would Motorists Get Rebates? And Other Enticing Questions for MLA Adam Olsen
February 5, 2021: Twenty-three gathered via Zoom to welcome MLA Adam Olsen and his staff to listen and learn about the issues that matter most to them. After a heartfelt territorial acknowledgement, we asked Adam to begin by sharing what was on his mind. Seeking to identify those things that excite and delight him, he spoke with enthusiasm…