Tag: Emcon
Trials and Triumphs of our Road Maintenance
November 8 Ten joined us to welcome Emcon Operations Manager Andrew Gaetz to this ASK Salt Spring gathering. As most Salt Springers know, Emcon (https://www.emconservices.ca/bc-contract-areas/) is our roads maintenance contractor. Andrew’s region includes all provincial roads from Chemainus in the north to Victoria, including Port Renfrew, Lake Cowichan, Sooke, and all roads on the six…
Road Maintenance Trials and Triumphs: Welcoming Emcon’s Operations Manager, Andrew
March 1, 2024: Fifteen joined this ASK Salt Spring gathering to welcome Andrew Gaetz, Operations Manager for Emcon, our road maintenance contractor. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, we asked Andrew what excited and delighted him. He immediately responded that he was very pleased that the recent vacuum sweeping of Ganges had gone so well, with only a few parked cars impeding…
Local Community Commission Examines Challenges and Progress
December 8, 2023: Ten gathered to welcome Local Community Commissioners (LCC) Chair Earl Rook, Brian Webster, Gayle Baker, and Commissioner, as well as Electoral Director, Gary Holman. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Darryl Martin, doing the honours as our facilitator, began by asking all what they hoped to gain from this CRD/LCC-focused gathering. While responses varied, the…
Roads 101: Welcoming MoTI and Emcon
August 25, 2023: Twenty joined this ASK Salt Spring gathering to welcome Owen Page, our Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) Area Manager, and Andrew Gaetz, Emcon (our roads maintenance contractor) Operations Manager. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, both Andrew and Owen told us that they were thrilled to be with us and, according to Owen, this was the very best…
Frustration with those Winding, Narrow Rural Roads that Initially Attracted Many of Us
February 3, 2023: Only seven joined this ASK Salt Spring conversation – which was good as it indicated that we did a pretty good job letting folks know that our special guest for this week, MLA Adam Olsen, was not able to join us. Those who came seemed pleased with the BYOC concept: Bring Your Own Conversation. As a result, topics were…
Roads 101 – a Conversation with our Ministry Area Manager
September 23, 2022: Fourteen gathered in the United Church Meadow (for the last time: see below for news of our new location!) to welcome our Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) Area Manager, Owen Page. Although he has only been our Area Manager since this spring, he offered us a wealth of information at this ASK Salt Spring gathering. …
Culverts 101 and Other Road Maintenance Challenges
July 22, 2022: Only 11 joined our conversation about roads maintenance at this ASK Salt Spring gathering in the United Church Meadow. A rich and interesting conversation, the low number of participants might lead one to believe that Salt Springers are quite content with the maintenance of our roads. And, listening to this ASK Salt Spring conversation, this supposition was…
Are We Prepared for the Increased Traffic Volumes and Climate Changes Buffeting Our Island?
January 28, 2022: Eighteen gathered to ask our questions of our special guests, Emcon managers, Andrew Gaetz and Dillon Thornton, and CRD Emergency Operations managers, Charles Nash and John Wakefield. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, participants began by asking about our road maintenance. There was general agreement that Emcon has done an amazing job addressing an enormous task. While providing consistent maintenance…
Road Maintenance 101
January 31, 2022: A large number of Salt Springers, totaling 29, came to ask their questions and learn from three managers of Emcon, our new roads maintenance contractor. As the first time in the memories of most that our roads maintenance contractor has come to Salt Spring to listen to concerns, there was heartfelt acknowledgment by…
Learning Lots from Emcon, our Roads Maintenance Managers
June 26, 2022: Fifteen came to the United Church Meadow on a lovely summer day to welcome our Chamber’s Jessica Harkema as well as Emcon managers Andrew Gaetz and Lisa Herschmiller as our guests. We began with a brief summary of Emcon’s responsibilities as well as those roads-related services for which they have no responsibility. Some…