Category: Other
Budget Talk: Welcoming Local Commissioners Ben and Earl
October 11 October 11 With only a few gathering to welcome Local Community Commissioners Ben Corno and Earl Rook, this ASK Salt Spring conversation was casual. This informal format allowed participants to get to know these two Local Commissioners, better understanding their perspectives on a wide range of issues. Chair Earl Rook offered us our…
Getting to Know All Four of our MLA Candidates
October 4 We had four very special guests at this ASK Salt Spring gathering – all of our MLA candidates (in alphabetical order): Rob Botterell (Green):, David Busch (Conservative):, Amy Haysom (Independent):, and Sarah Riddell (NDP): Need to learn more? These candidates will be debating this Wednesday, October 9, 5:00-6:30 at…
“Why Not Simply Borrow Creative Housing Solutions from Other Communities?”
September 20, 2024: A small group gathered to welcome Electoral Director/Local Community Commissioner (LCC), Gary Holman, as well as LCC member Gayle Baker. After a lovely Territorial Acknowledgement by notetaker Sheila Dobie, facilitator Grant Fredrickson asked guests what “excites and delights” them. While, with a wry smile, Gary said that he is simply not the “excited…
All Five of Our Elected Officials Speak Out Together!
April 16, 2021: Twenty-three gathered via Zoom to welcome all of our elected officials: MP Elizabeth May, MLA Adam Olsen, CRD’s Gary Holman, and Islands Trust Local Trustees Laura Patrick and Peter Grove. After Laura’s heartfelt Territorial Acknowledgment, we began by asking each of our guests what was on their minds and the issues that they hoped would…
Burgoyne Blues, LCC Conversations, and Water Woes. . . Seeking Answers with Gary Holman
February 12, 2021: Fourteen gathered via Zoom to ask CRD’s Gary Holman questions about the issues that matter most to them. After a heartfelt territorial acknowledgment, Gary was asked if he wanted to begin by sharing what was on his mind. While he preferred to spend our time together answering participants’ questions, he did express his concerns about…