Author: Gayle Baker
A Better Way to Address Conflict? What About Restorative Justice?
May 31, 2024: Nine joined us to welcome Laura Dafoe, a Restorative Justice volunteer, to this ASK Salt Spring gathering. We were especially glad to welcome Laura as she was unexpectedly filling in at the last moment for Restorative Justice Program Coordinator, Jessica Terazakis, who was ill. Although she had not planned to be our special guest this…
OCP? LUB? CCA? Lots of Letters Tell the Story of Some Exciting New Islands Trust Projects for Salt Spring
May 24, 2024: Nineteen joined the ASK Salt Spring gathering to welcome Islands Trust Planner Jason Youmans, and Trustee Laura Patrick to provide an overview and answer questions about two important Local Trust Committee land use planning initiatives: the Complete Communities Assessment; and updates of the Official Community Plan (OCP) and Land Use Bylaws (LUB). During her Territorial…
All That You Ever Wanted to Knows About the Spongy Moth. . . and More
May 10, 2024: This ASK Salt Spring gathering welcomed CRD Local Community Commissioners (LCC) Brian Webster and Gayle Baker. After his Territorial Acknowledgement, Brian, wearing his apple-farming hat, leapt fearlessly into the currently raging spongy moth spraying controversy. Brian brought science into the discussion, warning us against letting fear and assumptions overwhelm science-based conclusions. We learned that the…
Welcoming MLA Adam Olsen: “Who Do We Think We Are?”
May 3, 2024: The first ASK Salt Spring gathering in May welcomed MLA Adam Olsen and Constituency Advocate Jerram Gawley for a rich and diverse conversation. Adam used his most recent weekly two-minute speech to the Legislature ( as his Territorial Acknowledgement, speaking of disturbing changes to the waters surrounding us. The site of one of the world’s…
Firehall Construction Begins!
April 26, 2024: A total of 13 joined us to welcome Fire Trustee Chair, Rollie Cook, and Chief Administrative Officer, Rodney Dieleman, to this ASK Salt Spring gathering. While the numbers were not large, the conversation was lively and rich. After our Territorial Acknowledgment, we asked our guests what excited and delighted them. Rodney spoke briefly about his joy living…
Want to Learn More About Salt Spring’s Roads? Owen Page, MoTi Area Manager, Offers Answers as Well as Listening
April 19, 2024: Fifteen joined us for all or part of our time together at this ASK Salt Spring gathering that welcomed our Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) Area Manager Owen Page. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, we asked Owen what excites and delights him. Personally, he was looking forward to watching a great basketball playoff while enjoying a beer…
Local Commissioners Learn About Liveaboards’ Needs
April 12, 2024: Ten welcomed two of your Local Community Commissioners, Ben Corno and Gayle Baker, to this ASK Salt Spring gathering. While the numbers were small, the conversation was rich, masterfully facilitated by Ron Cooke. We began with a Territorial Acknowledgement from Ben, introducing himself in the Indigenous way of also recognizing his parents. When asked what excites and delights…
Road Maintenance Trials and Triumphs: Welcoming Emcon’s Operations Manager, Andrew
March 1, 2024: Fifteen joined this ASK Salt Spring gathering to welcome Andrew Gaetz, Operations Manager for Emcon, our road maintenance contractor. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, we asked Andrew what excited and delighted him. He immediately responded that he was very pleased that the recent vacuum sweeping of Ganges had gone so well, with only a few parked cars impeding…
Welcoming Sergeant Clive Seabrook and Learning About RCMP Successes and Challenges on Salt Spring
February 23, 2024: Eighteen joined us for all or part of our time together at this ASK Salt Spring gathering welcoming RCMP Sergeant Clive Seabrook. After our Territorial Acknowledgement, Clive told us what excites and delights him: Living and working on Salt Spring! Already into his fourth year with us, he continues to love working in our community, feeling the…
$$$$. . . Funders Discuss Funding Opportunities for Local Initiatives. . . $$$
February 16, 2024: Thirty-two joined this ASK Salt Spring gathering to welcome Nora Layard, Chair of Transition Salt Spring Enterprise Coop – TSSEC (; Shannon Cowan, Executive Director of the Salt Spring Island Foundation (shannon@ssifoundation,ca); Robert Steinbach, Country Grocer’s Community Relations and Business Development (; and Julie Kemble, Chair of the Arts Council ( They joined us to…