Volunteer: We ALWAYS welcome volunteers to join the team. Please help us make ASK Salt Spring ever better! Interested? Email: ask@asksaltspring.com or call Gayle at 250) 537-4482.
- Pop your Country Grocer receipts into Box #15 of the Save-a-Tape box. This generous Country Grocer program helps fund the cookies and coffee yoiu enjoy each week.
- You can now give the Return It change you earn from your bottles to ASK Salt Spring: Account #230.
- While our annual rent and operating expenses has been committed by the generosity of the Institute of Sustainability, Education, and Action (I-SEA), money would always be gratefully accepted for those unexpected expenses :).
- Come to the weekly ASK Salt Spring gatherings in the SIMS (former Middle School) classroom next to the Boardroom, 11-1 every Friday.
- Read the Reports.
- Tell your Friends.
Need More? Our ASK Salt Spring guests are interviewed by CHiR.fm to further explore the issues. Interested in learning more? Listen to ASK Salt Spring Answered.
News: The Community Alliance Society is about to change its name to The ASK Salt Spring Society. Watch for the announcement of the AGM for this name change as well as election of new Board members, expected to be Friday, February 21, 1:30 in the SIMS classroom.
Want to become a member of The ASK Salt Spring Society? It is free! Simply send an email to ask@asksaltspring.com. You will automatically be added to our weekly mailing of the ASK Salt Spring report (also published on the Exchange and this website). If you would like to be a member but would prefer not to receive a weekly email with the report, please note this when asking for membership.
Welcome Aboard!